…but I haven’t been idle…
I’ve been involved in action in other ways. I now volunteer with 350.org Australia as a divestment campaigner (last year we got the City of Melbourne to divest!) and in 2014 I stood up in the most democratic way possible to corporate malfeasance – together with 6 other protestors, I got arrested for occupying the lobby of AGL to draw attention to the fact that:
- They tout their ‘sustainability’ credentials yet added more fossil fuel generation capacity than their entire renewable portfolio;
- They put in a submission to the RET Review calling for the RET to be abolished;
- They had plans (now abandoned – yay!) to drill 300 CSG wells in prime agricultural land in Gloucester, NSW.
For my trouble, I got my picture on the front page of the AFR…
At the ripe old age of 60, I guess you could call me an ‘activist’ which is why I got my first tattoo in January this year. On my wrist is the number “313<” which is the ppm concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere in the year I was born. It is now over 400!!! http://www.liberatetate.org.uk/birthmark/